Troubleshooting & Support
The following information is provided for RIYOSU customers as a means of support and troubleshooting RIYOSU products.
1. Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.
Speedway and VITALS connects to an Oracle database using SQLNET client services which are installed with Oracle sqlplus. After the installation of sqlplus the tnsnames.ora must be configured as per normal database connection requirements.
Failure to install sqlplus and the associated OraOLEDB driver will result in the “Provider cannot be found” error.
There are known issues with SQL client installation whereby the OLEDB drivers fail to register. This may result in the “Provider cannot be found” error. To remediate this issue the OLEDB drivers must be manually registered using the below command:
regsvr32 <Driver path>\oraoledb11.dll
Both Speedway and VITALS executables come in 32 and 64 bit. The Speedway\VITALS and SQL client combinations must match. I.E: You cannot use a 32-bit Speedway with a 64-bit SQL client.
2. "Not Responding" Message
The "Not Responding" message in the program banner is a typical Windows message received when Speedway or VITALS is waiting on information from the database. It does not mean that the program is hung. The following set of instructions can be followed to determine which query the program is waiting for:
Start a SQLPLUS session
Query the current activity of Speedway or VITALS:
SQL> select sid,serial#,program,status,sql_id from v$session where
upper(program) like '%SPEEDWAY%';
---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------ -------- -------------
520 28685 Speedway.exe ACTIVE 2utypjm2pcc4m
Notice the query status of "ACTIVE". This means Speedway has issued a query to the database and is waiting for the result.
Further information about the query can be obtained using the SQL_ID as follows:
SQL> select sql_id,sql_text from v$sql where sql_id = '2utypjm2pcc4m'
3. Speedway Startup: Cannot locate "sidlist.txt" file
The sidlist.txt file contains a list of all TNS aliases used by Speedway to connect to the database. The sidlist.txt file must be manually populated and exist in the c:\Speedway directory. Make sure of the following:
You have write access to the c:\Speedway directory and its contents
You specify the correct location of the MEATADATA parameter in the c:\Speedway\db.ini file as per below
Persist Security Info=True;
4. Speedway Startup: Cannot locate "db.ini" file
The db.ini file contains important information about the Speedway configuration. The db.ini file must exist in the c:\Speeway directory and consist of the following:
Persist Security Info=True;
5. " is not a valid floating point value.
This message is returned if Speedway cannot find any performance information for the criteria specified. Check the criteria entered and try again.
6. "ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero
This message is returned in Speedway\System Topology function when using pluggable databases. The underlying SQL script used to obtain the System Topology details can be modified (change dba_hist_syssyat to dba_hist_con_sysstat) to cater for this known Oracle issue as follows:
"My Oracle Support Reference"
DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT is Different Output at CDB and PDB Level (Doc ID 2711623.1)
The behaviour is expected. In the case of dba_hist_sysstat, we should not show instance-wide stats to a PDB, which is wrong. The per-PDB breakdown is available at dba_hist_con_sysstat.
This is expected behavior.
Starting from Oracle version 18.1, dba_hist views such as dba_hist_sysstat will also include data from PDB-level snapshots. It removes the need to query over awr_pdb_sysstat.